Marketing Department
Welcome to the Marketing Department at ESSEC Business School
The department’s cutting-edge research covers a broad spectrum of areas, and uses a variety of methodologies, including behavioral experiments, field experiments, big data, data mining, survey methods, and neuroscientific imaging.
The department’s researchers regularly publish in world-class academic journals, including in the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Consumer Research, the Marketing Science, the Management Science, the Journal of Retailing, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, and the Journal of Service Research. In addition, the faculty have published in leading journals in related areas including MIS Quarterly and American Sociological Review.
Faculty members also serve on editorial review boards of leading journals, including the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Consumer Research, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, and the Journal of Retailing.
The department regularly organizes research seminars, where leading academics are invited to present their latest research.
Marketing Department Research Seminars
The Marketing Department aims to give Essec students, wishing to concentrate in marketing, the ability to customize their curriculum. Students are first required to take one or two compulsory courses in order to become familiar with the basic concepts and the logical framework of marketing. Once students have completed these prerequisites, they can design their own marketing curriculum in order to suit their individual career plans (operational or research). Students can also take specialized courses in different sectors through the Department’s chairs.
Latest publications from the Marketing Dpt:
By KÜBLER Raoul :
"I like, I share, I vote: Mapping the dynamic system of political marketing", Journal of Business Research (2025)
"Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth: The Dark Side of Uncertain Price Promotions", Psychology and Marketing (2025)
"Menopause on the market: navigating the dualities of care and empowerment", Journal of Marketing Management (2025)
By Amir Sepehri :
"Ideas Worth Spreading? When, How, and for Whom Information Load Hurts Online Talks’ Popularity", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2024)